Advanced Characters

   Night Elf Druid
   Level 70

   * Herbalism
   * Alchemy
   Troll Mage
   Level: 70

   * Enchanting
   * Herbalism
   Orc Shaman
   Level 70

   * Mining
   * Skinning 
    Gnome Warlock
    Level: 70
    Server: Kirin Tor

    Professions -
    * Herbalism
    * Alchemy
    See my blog!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Graduated to Multiboxing

In case you wonder about the gap in time since my last posting, I had stopped blogging because I was trying to update my alt manager in the time I wasn't playing wow. Unfortunately, it's still not adequate for public consumption.

Akalakuhn & Ekutakuhn dinged 70 mere moments apart, that's because I played them together. Galankuhn & Dariakuhn enjoy each other's company on occasion these days.

However, after hearing rumors and watching videos and as my latest plan to see the non-solo-able nor dual-able instances, I asked my wonderful husband to create a new box, capable of going further into this obsession. He out did himself, and now I am the proud micro manager of 5 tauren shaman. Everything dies in my path. At level 8, we took out a level 11 with two lightning bolts (each). I can't wait for them to grow up so I can "solo" any instance that is my level. And few things are more impressive than a line of tauren females doing the electric slide in perfect sync!

If you are wondering how I do this, it's because I got help from


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