Advanced Characters

   Night Elf Druid
   Level 70

   * Herbalism
   * Alchemy
   Troll Mage
   Level: 70

   * Enchanting
   * Herbalism
   Orc Shaman
   Level 70

   * Mining
   * Skinning 
    Gnome Warlock
    Level: 70
    Server: Kirin Tor

    Professions -
    * Herbalism
    * Alchemy
    See my blog!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Back on Silvermoon

It's so nice to be back in the old digs again. I'm focusing on Finahkuhn (Dwarf Warrior) right now, I want to have at least a level 40 of each character in addition to the 60s I already have. It might be a bit before Galankuhn (Human Paladin) reaches 40, but then I will truly have one of each type of mount.

Mehlena and I have started questing again, we're trying to clean up loose ends on Silvermoon before Burning Crusade releases and we start new characters (again).

Current plan for the new characters:

Draenei Shaman
Blood Elf Hunter

Names chosen too. :)


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