Advanced Characters

   Night Elf Druid
   Level 70

   * Herbalism
   * Alchemy
   Troll Mage
   Level: 70

   * Enchanting
   * Herbalism
   Orc Shaman
   Level 70

   * Mining
   * Skinning 
    Gnome Warlock
    Level: 70
    Server: Kirin Tor

    Professions -
    * Herbalism
    * Alchemy
    See my blog!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Rasikuhn gets to 54

Despite being put on the shelf for many months, Ra has emerged stronger than ever. I have enough characters near 50 that I can play one of those with Zinoviev if he decides to play again, but he prefers Zinomagi these days.

I formed a pickup group in Iron Forge for the Sunken Temple that turned out great! Pickup groups don't usually go that well. We didn't have a tank, so Ra (jack of all trades) the druid used bear form. It was my first time as the main tank in a group, it was fun. We did very well, and almost took out the last dragon, but we need a real tank for that.

It was a comedy of errors on my part, though. I forgot an item in the bank that I needed for one of the quests, and got confused and took a BOP item when looting - there were 2 of them and I misunderstood what the roll was for, since we wanted the enchanter to get a shard from it for us to roll on. :(

Ra still has most of the bar to 55 as blue (rest bonus) so she'll be there next weekend perhaps? I'll call on one of my new buddies to go questing in the Plaguelands. There was a quest there that I can almost do, but there are too many guys surrounding the caudron for me to complete alone without vanish. :( Maybe some of them will decide to join my guild, one of them, Laady, seems to have the same multiple personality play style I have.

Ekutakuhn got to level 17, and met some new friends too. Mages are also a lot of fun.


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