Melekuhn nears 40
I remember when her favorite thing to do was die. But now, she's a force to be reckonned with, very powerful, capable of holding her own and living to tell about it. Her health rarely goes below half, Improved Powerword: Shield is great!
She hit 39 tonight, but since she has enchanting she's very poor. She's started selling the reagents for enchanting, not only to get money for the mount (planning for a chestnut mare) but to free up bank space! Luckily Minnikuhn sent her a really nice staff that dropped from a wolf in Feralas, not sure what the wolf was doing with the Spiritchaser Staff of Stamina, but Minni knew a great gift for her cousin on sight.
Both Minni and Rasi are planning to send some cash gifts to help with the mount purchase, they'll be short for a while, but they have easy access to enchanting reagents if they ever need them. Besides, it's all in the family, right? ;)
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