Advanced Characters

   Night Elf Druid
   Level 70

   * Herbalism
   * Alchemy
   Troll Mage
   Level: 70

   * Enchanting
   * Herbalism
   Orc Shaman
   Level 70

   * Mining
   * Skinning 
    Gnome Warlock
    Level: 70
    Server: Kirin Tor

    Professions -
    * Herbalism
    * Alchemy
    See my blog!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Reality intrusions

At work today, I was typing up meeting notes from the previous day, and when I went to write down a note about working with a specific coworker on a project, the only name I could think of was Fedahis. The coworker's name begins with an F, and I haven't met him in real life yet, but Fedahis is a friend from my guild - Alliance of the Stars. I'll have to remember to tell him that.

Someday it would be fun to get the members of our guild together IRL. Giliath & Mestorius, Fedahis, Jinsong, Evan, Bloodbringer, Gardar, myself & Zinoviev and the others.


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