One of my first experiences with this beast was sudden death. It was rather rude, I thought. I had been stealthed and everything, but it was 5 levels above me and I had sat down to eat (as I ran off to get something in real life and asked my husband to watch my character for a moment - he said he heard a roar and two stomps...)
Tonight, one of these beasts took notice of my shaman team. They're level 51, he was 55 elite. I quickly dropped my stoneclaw totems, and turned around to see how well I would do. To my surprise, I killed him and none of the crew were missing! I then went on a Devilsaur rampage, I now have 8 hides in my collection!
Since it never happened unless there's a screenshot, here you go! This was devilsaur death #6, as I was escorting a goblin back to Marshall's Refuge.