Advanced Characters

   Night Elf Druid
   Level 70

   * Herbalism
   * Alchemy
   Troll Mage
   Level: 70

   * Enchanting
   * Herbalism
   Orc Shaman
   Level 70

   * Mining
   * Skinning 
    Gnome Warlock
    Level: 70
    Server: Kirin Tor

    Professions -
    * Herbalism
    * Alchemy
    See my blog!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Crixikuhn gets a Felsteed

10th mounted character: Crixikuhn!

Again, not a planned mount, but effective none the less. She had to level to catch up to Jackshaftoe!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Dariakuhn at buys a mount

It wasn't quite the plan, I had a mounted troll mage when my friend Cruwelknolle (human warlock) decided to start playing WoW. Dariakuhn (human mage) was simply a bank for Crixikuhn, and more rich than any of my other characters ever were, all at level 12.

Today, she bought her mount, making her my 8th mounted character. She'll probably get to 60, simply because she enjoys playing with Cruwelknolle, Shmendric (gnome mage), and Arrie (human paladin).

However, my next horde character to mount will be Akalakuhn for a wolf. I need to explore more of that story line. And I still need a Tauren Kodo, as well.

The extra human mount will have to make up for my lack of a paladin steed.